BEMISAL has been honored with awards and recognitions for its trajectory, development, and support to society.
Recognition of Successful Compliance
For the conclusion of the Business Trade Facilitation Assistance Program, implemented by USAID and COEXPORT.
For obtaining the Reliable Operator Certification
Recognition granted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of El Salvador (Camarasal), as the only certified company in the paper and cardboard sector.
Private Initiative Award
Award granted by the National Association of Private Enterprise. – ANEP to recognize the efforts of the best companies and help them achieve their goals.
Cafeto Awards
Award granted by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Santa Ana Branch, for having contributed substantially to the economic and social development of Santa Ana.
Outstanding Exporter Award
Award granted by COEXPORT in recognition of its more than five decades of experience in the Salvadoran and regional markets.
Reward for everyone's effort
Recognition granted by El Zamorano University, during an event to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the educational institution.